In this issue
Welcome to the Back to School edition of our e-zine
An Interview with Gordon D'Arcy
Breaking down Barriers: Technology and Third-Level Education
FAQ's: Helping your child achieve their full potential in literacy development
Foundations in AT 2017 - Now Enrolling!
Social Media
The Era of the Digital Schoolbag..........

Foundations in AT 2017 - Now Enrolling!

Interested in learning more about Assistive Technology?

The 2016 Course was a great success and we are now preparing for the Graduation Ceremony which will take place in October.  We are already experiencing a strong uptake for 2017's course, and are now taking bookings.  The 2017 course will take place as follows:- 

7th February, 7th March and 4th April 2017 (3 days face-to-face training + on-line learning + PROJECT)
Location:  Microsoft, Carmanhall Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18.



Computer Access & Accessibility Features/Augmentative Communication/AT for Leisure/Mobile Technologies/Environmental Control Systems/AT Assessment/Power Mobility/Educational Software/Future Technologies/Funding and Legislation/Integrating AT into the curriculum and at work and much more      


To ensure that AT users and potential users are central to the AT decision making process

To increase participants confidence in their own AT skills

To provide participants with an understanding of the tools and processes that are required to support AT users

To de-mystify technology

To promote best practice and encourage the development of ongoing discussion groups post-course

To provide participants with the AT knowledge and skills that they require

Bring your own experience and share with others.  Group learning environment, on-line collaboration, interdisciplinary setting, practical.  Cost:  €800.00 which includes all course materials and lunch/refreshments.  We offer a range of discounts to  AT users/parents/carers and Enable Ireland staff.  REQUIRES A MINIMUM COMMITMENT OF 4 WEEKS (face-to-face training, completion of e-learning modules and submission of project)

To reserve your place/receive further information please contact Shirley (01) 2184100 or Email:  

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