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Smarthomes Technology - Maximising Independent Living
Switch Skills Workshop
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Switch Skills Workshop
by Shirley Deakin

  • What is a switch?/differing types of switches.
  • Mounting/placement of switches
  • Setting up switches with toys/appliances
  • Attaching switches to computers/iPads
  • Playing games/accessing leisure activities
  • The “Rules” of using switches
  • Developing switch skills – hierarchy
  • Partner assisted scanning
  • Scanning patterns
  • Communicating and writing with switches

 Time will be allocated to discussing individual cases and troubleshooting.  Luncheon will be provided.  There is limited car parking available on site and ample metered parking on street.

 Cost:  €30.00 (parents/family members) €60.00 (Enable Ireland Staff) €80.00 (all other interested parties).   For further information/to reserve your place please contact Tel:  (01) 8714000

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