In This Issue
As 2012 draws to a close.......
Launch of
International Launch of Enable Ireland/ Employer Guide
Smart Home Technologies
Switching with the iPad!
AT Seminar and AT Graduation
Foundations in Assistive Technology 2013
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Foundations in Assistive Technology 2013
by Siobhan Long

With almost 300 graduates of our Foundations in AT Course, we’re readying ourselves for next year’s intake. This course is aimed at providing a solid foundation in AT for a diverse audience: adults who are AT users, therapists, teachers, IT professionals, families and others. 2013’s course dates are:

13 & 14 February
6 & 7 March
17 April

The course will be delivered in Microsoft over five days with further course content delivered on line. To secure certification, participants must complete a project which focuses on applying AT in the real world. For further information, see or contact: Tel:  (01)  8714000.

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