In This Issue
From the AT Manager
The Highs and Lows of my Assistive Technology Experience
AT and Me
My iPhone
Multiple Devices....Multiple Solutions
Trial It Before You Buy It
Music and AT
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Trial It Before You Buy It
by Albert Brown

When someone enquires from me what type of assistive technology equipment I have, I have to think about that particular question.  I suppose I have taken this type of equipment for granted.

For a number of years I have been using a Braille note, this is a type of laptop except it contains a Braille display and speech software.

The Braille display helps me quite a lot insofar as when trying to deal with phone calls and listen to the speech software on my desktop computer talking at the same time is a bit of an ordeal.

This particular Braille display has a GPS piece of software facility, so any type of transport I used, I knew exactly where I was going.   I have to say the GPS software was brilliant.

I am very lucky to also have an iPhone which has VoiceOver built in to it. 

This piece of equipment allows me to have a library of audio books, music and recently a very good OCR app software which stands for “optical character recognition”.  This app allows me to scan any document or printed books.

Fortunately enough I don’t have any technical problems except getting my Braille machine serviced.

The problem with assistive technology is in the training area.

I know quite a number of blind people who have purchased iPhone Braille machines and even specialised mp3 players but unfortunately are unable to use them.

Every Monday morning  at Fighting Blindness on George’s Street, we give classes for those who want to get a one-to-one lesson on using their equipment.

It is very important when choosing a piece of equipment that it is accessible.

The problem especially in this country, is that it’s not possible to get a hands on situation.

When I decided to get an iPhone I never had a chance to use a touch screen before.

So I would suggest if someone wants to avail of any assistive technology experience try and find out if it is possible to look at the equipment for yourself or visit some of these assistive technology shows that take part in various parts of the country and above all get a chance for a hands on session, before you choose to buy anything.

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