In This Issue
Editorial: Switch Access Edition
Low Cost Switch Interfaces
Switch Accessible Apps for AAC
Overview of switch accessible ECU apps
Grapevine AT
Foundations in AT 2015
Apple's Built-in Switch Access
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Apple's Built-in Switch Access
by Karl O'Keeffe

Switch Control makes the entire iOS accessible to a switch user as well as previously inaccessible Apps (AngryBirds anyone?). So what about the apps that were designed to be switch accessible before Switch Control? Well they are still useful because they are much easier to set up and often much easier to use. Another benefit of Switch Control is that we have been released from the bonds of those complex and expensive Bluetooth switch interfaces, costing up to €300, which can be difficult to set up and often only suitable to be used with a limited range of apps.

We are particularly interested in the accessibility features and this is an area where Apple have excelled. Starting with the screen reader VoiceOver in 2009, Apple have gradually built a range of innovative accessibility features into their iOS operating system demonstrating that they are committed to making their devices accessible to the widest range of users possible. Here we will take a quick look at Switch Control which became available with the update to iOS 7 last Autumn. Although available almost a year at this stage, many people still don’t know about it or maybe know about it but are unsure of how to use it. That is in fact the main difficulty with this new feature. It is so comprehensive and well implemented that many people find the wide range of settings intimidating. Don’t be afraid, get stuck in and you will find it is not as difficult as it first appears. Here are some resources to get you started:

Luis Perez – Introduction to Switch control –

 Using Pretorian J-Pad With iOS 7 Switch Control -

AbleNet Introduction to Switch Control on iOS 7 (PDF)

There is a lot to learn before you could be considered a Switch Control Ninja but if you are a switch user this accessibility feature makes almost every app on your device a Switch Accessible App and also gives you full access to your devices OS and settings. That’s got to be worth a little effort. If you are someone who supports switch users just borrow an iPad and play around with this feature for an hour, get comfortable with the settings and spread the word!



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